HBR – an engaging magazine

I have been looking for examples of excellent stakeholder engagement. Recently, I have reconnected with the Harvard Business Review (HBR) and found the same quality of material as before. What’s different is that a ethos of engagement permeates the magazine.

Here are some examples from the May 2011 edition:

  • A HBR.org page lists a range of resources accessable at www.hbr.org including blogs, enewsletters and HBR IdeaCast on iTunes. And at “Ask.Answer.Engage.”  readers “can pose questions about workplace challenges, find solutions and offer others your advice”.
  • The editoral on page 18 concludes with “I’d love to hear from more of you”.
  • The “Interaction” section summarises feature articles for earlier editions, and provides several extracts from reader’s feedback. Some are supportive of the articles and some critical. The authors have the opportunity to respond.

Social media

The HBR magazine is the hardcopy compliment to a range of social media options that offer multiple ways for readers to engage.

In addition HBR has a Linkedin group and portrays an engagement ethos at twitter.

HBR appear to have left no stone unturned to create opportunities to engage with stakeholders. The icons of business thinking that appeared so remote in the past are now much closer to us.

Do you know of other examples of engaging magazines?



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